This guide will cover basic Outfit operations, Mumble usage, and in-game Squad Leader functions. This guide will not cover strategies to be used as a squad leader. The purpose of the guide is for a first timer to understand the outfit and SL in-game interface.
This information is accurate as of 12-17-12. Future patches my change some of this drastically.
How the Comms Work:
First thing when you are promoted to squad leader make sure you have your bind set up to talk in the Squad Leader channel. In mumble at the top click Configure ---> Settings ----> Shortcuts tab ----> Add (towards the bottom). When the menu pops up click on the new unassigned function on the drag down click Whisper/Shout. Click the data field [...] and another window will pop up. Click the Shout to Channel button at the top. Scroll down and click the squad leaders channel. Tick the shout to subchannels button. DO NOT TICK SHOUT TO LINKED CHANNELS. Click ok then assign a hotkey for the bind by clicking in the shortcut field.
There is a picture guide available in the HH PGS OP for the above directions.
I personally use my mouse thumb buttons. One is for regular PTT and the other is for Squad Leaders.
When you are in the squad leader channels your normal PTT key transmits to your appropriate squad channel. They are linked up that way. So if you sit in the Squad Leader P1 Alpha/Bravo channel, your normal transmits go to the P1 Alpha/Bravo channel.
Pressing your squad leader key makes your transmissions go only to the people sitting in the squad leader channels. They show up as pink on the mumble overlay. Remember to keep the Squad Leader channel to essential transmissions. We have multiple operations going on from Ground Goon Army to Air Goons and Blue Ops. The squad leader channel is not for fart jokes or chicken cheese chat.
When talking in Mumble do your best to speak in the third person and use compass directions as opposed to left right and clock positions. Such as "Everyone regroup on KanyeWestActual's sunderer he is South of the tower." If you want to be more specific use South Southwest or East Southeast.
During primetime hours we field two to three regular Goon Army Platoons. They make up Platoon 1, 2, and 3. Occasionally the will spill over into Platoon 4. They make up the bulk of our fighting force and typically capture the most land and generate the most certs. Typically Air Goons fields one or two squads. Air Goons mostly focus on Air Support. Although they may press themselves into Air Defense or some back capping. Air Goons operate as Platoon 5. Blue Ops fields one or two Squads. Blue Ops uses more squad based tactics and tighter communications. Blue Ops operate as Platoon 6. When Platoon 4 is being used and not as one of the Goon Army Platoons it is typically some kind different Op such as Tank Task Force or Battle Sunderer Brigade.
Altough not typically used the Platoon Arlen, TX Hank Hill Fart Swarm is available for shenanigans. If you goal in this game is to just fuck around, make fart jokes, discuss chicken cheese indepth and become the Shit Lord Overlord this is the Platoon for you. The same rules apply to these comms as the other channels such as keeping offensive/racist/whatever bullshit you think is funny to a minimum.
The Platoons are set up with two channels each. Alpha/Bravo are paired up. Charlie/Delta are paired up. This is a compromise between Platoon channels and squad channels. It allows for some joking around while still allowing the conversation to be focused on the game when needed.
Typically the Alpha and Bravo Leader should be talking to each other in regular comms and have one of the SLs let the other leaders know whats going on. The same applies to Charlie/Delta. The goal with our current layout is to operate as double squad units and when necessary group up as a platoon. Certain operations require the entire Outfit but most do not need more then one platoon.
Always speak in the third person ie P1 Alpha/Bravo are defending the stronghold and then moving on the southern bases. Do not spam your every last move in squad leader channel. You need to express your goals and achieve them. If you need help let that be known, otherwise continue on.
Squad Leaders it is your job to not only let your squad know what you are doing but also what your goals are. Occasionally update your squad with the movements of the other goon units. When your squad knows whats going on they can offer suggestions, operate more effectively and have better callouts of enemy movement.
Platoon Leaders are to communicate with each other and establish goals for each platoon to accomplish. Overall goals typically are to gain a continent lock or to defend one. More specific goals are about areas of operation on the continent. ie Platoon 1 will operate on the south/southwest against the Vanu. Platoon 2 will operate in the East. We will come together as an outfit to assault Eisa or another key point.
This guide didn't cover any tactics or plays. We need creative minds to come up with shit so we can assemble a play book and practice them. Remember to be as creative as you can while still being able to herd the cats to perform it.
You can't and won't be an expert from day one. If you are tired or distracted don't squad lead. If you don't understand the meta game how to read the map or how to capture bases don't squad lead. You will eventually learn the game don't worry about hopping into the command seat right away. if you don't know whats going on all you will do is confuse people and order dumb shit. However if people in the know aren't stepping up, then its your time to shine so get out there show off your neckbeard.
There is a picture guide available in the HH PGS OP for the above directions.
I personally use my mouse thumb buttons. One is for regular PTT and the other is for Squad Leaders.
When you are in the squad leader channels your normal PTT key transmits to your appropriate squad channel. They are linked up that way. So if you sit in the Squad Leader P1 Alpha/Bravo channel, your normal transmits go to the P1 Alpha/Bravo channel.
Pressing your squad leader key makes your transmissions go only to the people sitting in the squad leader channels. They show up as pink on the mumble overlay. Remember to keep the Squad Leader channel to essential transmissions. We have multiple operations going on from Ground Goon Army to Air Goons and Blue Ops. The squad leader channel is not for fart jokes or chicken cheese chat.
I highly recommend using Mumble Overlay.
It is covered in a later section
When talking in Mumble do your best to speak in the third person and use compass directions as opposed to left right and clock positions. Such as "Everyone regroup on KanyeWestActual's sunderer he is South of the tower." If you want to be more specific use South Southwest or East Southeast.
Compass Directions. Don't click it. |
How We Operate:
During primetime hours we field two to three regular Goon Army Platoons. They make up Platoon 1, 2, and 3. Occasionally the will spill over into Platoon 4. They make up the bulk of our fighting force and typically capture the most land and generate the most certs. Typically Air Goons fields one or two squads. Air Goons mostly focus on Air Support. Although they may press themselves into Air Defense or some back capping. Air Goons operate as Platoon 5. Blue Ops fields one or two Squads. Blue Ops uses more squad based tactics and tighter communications. Blue Ops operate as Platoon 6. When Platoon 4 is being used and not as one of the Goon Army Platoons it is typically some kind different Op such as Tank Task Force or Battle Sunderer Brigade.
Altough not typically used the Platoon Arlen, TX Hank Hill Fart Swarm is available for shenanigans. If you goal in this game is to just fuck around, make fart jokes, discuss chicken cheese indepth and become the Shit Lord Overlord this is the Platoon for you. The same rules apply to these comms as the other channels such as keeping offensive/racist/whatever bullshit you think is funny to a minimum.
The Platoons are set up with two channels each. Alpha/Bravo are paired up. Charlie/Delta are paired up. This is a compromise between Platoon channels and squad channels. It allows for some joking around while still allowing the conversation to be focused on the game when needed.
Typically the Alpha and Bravo Leader should be talking to each other in regular comms and have one of the SLs let the other leaders know whats going on. The same applies to Charlie/Delta. The goal with our current layout is to operate as double squad units and when necessary group up as a platoon. Certain operations require the entire Outfit but most do not need more then one platoon.
Always speak in the third person ie P1 Alpha/Bravo are defending the stronghold and then moving on the southern bases. Do not spam your every last move in squad leader channel. You need to express your goals and achieve them. If you need help let that be known, otherwise continue on.
Squad Leaders it is your job to not only let your squad know what you are doing but also what your goals are. Occasionally update your squad with the movements of the other goon units. When your squad knows whats going on they can offer suggestions, operate more effectively and have better callouts of enemy movement.
The Goon Overlord is not needed for the Outfit to function.
Platoon Leaders are to communicate with each other and establish goals for each platoon to accomplish. Overall goals typically are to gain a continent lock or to defend one. More specific goals are about areas of operation on the continent. ie Platoon 1 will operate on the south/southwest against the Vanu. Platoon 2 will operate in the East. We will come together as an outfit to assault Eisa or another key point.
Squad Leader Functions:
First and foremost you are doing your squad a disservice if you don't have the 30 certs invested in Squad Beacon. Squad Beacon is a device that when placed allows your squad to spawn on it from a drop pod. Beacons can be used when initially assaulting a base to allow for respawn until you can get a more permanent spawn secured or to help your squad regroup. A squad that doesn't have the beacon is at a disadvantage so spend those certs. None of the other certs are anywhere close to being required and if you are cert starved I would stay away from the remainder of them. If you want to invest more certs into SL. I recommend investing in two smoke colors.
To access the squad leader certs hit [Esc] then click the cert icon in the lower right. It is next to the yellow depot button. Once there click the Squad Leader category.
When you are made squad leader and have the beacon cert it will be placed in your last weapon slot. If you do not have it in your inventory you need to resupply. Beacons need to be placed in hidden positions as they can be destroyed. NC beacons are blue, TR Red, and VS Purple. They follow empire colors not squad colors. Being an L/A allows you to hide beacons in hard to see or reach locations. Beacons need clear view to the sky so they can't be placed under structures or indoors. To destroy a beacon you need to find the small metal cylinder at the base of it and attack it.
Squad leaders can set waypoints visible to their entire squad. The squad waypoint is green and should be used to mark areas of importance or movement orders. When attacking a large base with outposts don't just smack your waypoint in the middle of the base. If you need to take outposts mark them with your waypoint. When defending a base you can use the WP to mark an enemy sunderer or other area of importance for your squad to focus on.
Platoon leaders have an orange waypoint they can use that is seen by all members of the platoon. Typically these are reserved for movement orders. They can be used as rally points for shuttling troops into a fight. Such as using your squad waypoints on the point you are attacking and using Platoon waypoint to mark where to respawn to be picked up by a galaxy to be brought back to the fight until a sunderer can be established.
Rally Point Smoke(50 certs per color) can be used to mark rally points and important rooms. I use smoke to mark teleporter rooms and intersections on the road where turns need to be made. I give orders such as "Ok guys move all the armor north on the road and bear to the right at purple smoke". "Ok guys we are setting up a MAX crash group up at the teleporter room at Onatha South, Purple Smoke on the rally building". I also find smoke helpful at Amp Stations to mark generator rooms.
To use smoke right click on the map and click the smoke. Remember they will root themselves on the highest point where you clicked. So they won't work indoors and will get stuck on tall objects like satellites and antenneas.
The Squad Objectives cert is pretty useless since we operate on mumble and rarely have an entire squad focusing on one point. What it does is allow a squad leader to highlight one of the points [A] [B] [C] or [D]. This is done by aiming your gun at an objective and hitting [Q] to bring up the spot menu and marking the objective. Command Comm Chat allows you to use the Orders chat. Again mostly useless. Request Reinforcements allows you to place attack defend icons on the map that the Empire can see. Again mostly useless/not worth 200 certs.
To access the squad leader certs hit [Esc] then click the cert icon in the lower right. It is next to the yellow depot button. Once there click the Squad Leader category.
When you are made squad leader and have the beacon cert it will be placed in your last weapon slot. If you do not have it in your inventory you need to resupply. Beacons need to be placed in hidden positions as they can be destroyed. NC beacons are blue, TR Red, and VS Purple. They follow empire colors not squad colors. Being an L/A allows you to hide beacons in hard to see or reach locations. Beacons need clear view to the sky so they can't be placed under structures or indoors. To destroy a beacon you need to find the small metal cylinder at the base of it and attack it.
Squad leaders can set waypoints visible to their entire squad. The squad waypoint is green and should be used to mark areas of importance or movement orders. When attacking a large base with outposts don't just smack your waypoint in the middle of the base. If you need to take outposts mark them with your waypoint. When defending a base you can use the WP to mark an enemy sunderer or other area of importance for your squad to focus on.
Platoon leaders have an orange waypoint they can use that is seen by all members of the platoon. Typically these are reserved for movement orders. They can be used as rally points for shuttling troops into a fight. Such as using your squad waypoints on the point you are attacking and using Platoon waypoint to mark where to respawn to be picked up by a galaxy to be brought back to the fight until a sunderer can be established.
Rally Point Smoke(50 certs per color) can be used to mark rally points and important rooms. I use smoke to mark teleporter rooms and intersections on the road where turns need to be made. I give orders such as "Ok guys move all the armor north on the road and bear to the right at purple smoke". "Ok guys we are setting up a MAX crash group up at the teleporter room at Onatha South, Purple Smoke on the rally building". I also find smoke helpful at Amp Stations to mark generator rooms.
To use smoke right click on the map and click the smoke. Remember they will root themselves on the highest point where you clicked. So they won't work indoors and will get stuck on tall objects like satellites and antenneas.
The Squad Objectives cert is pretty useless since we operate on mumble and rarely have an entire squad focusing on one point. What it does is allow a squad leader to highlight one of the points [A] [B] [C] or [D]. This is done by aiming your gun at an objective and hitting [Q] to bring up the spot menu and marking the objective. Command Comm Chat allows you to use the Orders chat. Again mostly useless. Request Reinforcements allows you to place attack defend icons on the map that the Empire can see. Again mostly useless/not worth 200 certs.
Mumble Overlay:
There are a few key points to the mumble overlay and after they are in place you can tweak it to your hearts desire. Note: I'm not an overlay expert. This is how I configured my stuff. Other methods may work or be more efficient I would love for some feedback on this sections.
First too make this work you must always run Mumble before you run the game. Second you typically have to run both as administrator. Third you have to tinker with the overlay settings in mumble otherwise it just spams your screen.
To configure the overlay hit Configure---> Settings---> Overlay Tab. Make sure Enable Overlay is ticked. Check the Advanced box in the lower left. I'm not sure if this next part is required or not but, it shouldn't hurt anything. Hit the Overlay Exceptions tab hit Whitelist and add Planetside2.exe and Launchpad.exe to the Whitelist. If you are installed with steam. It should be in:
Program Files (x86)/Steam Games/Steam Apps/common/Planetside 2/
Now click back to the Layout Tab. To re position the overlay drag the red dot. I keep mine in the upper right corner but moved off a bit so I can still see the kill callouts in game. Now right click on the text near the red dot. It should bring up a menu. In the Filters section uncheck everything but Only Talking. That will keep the overlay from filling your screen when you are in game. By default the overlay lists everyone in your chat channel.
Now right click the text near the red dot again. It should bring up the Overlay Editor box. This thing is a bit intimidating but don't worry. On the bottom uncheck everything but username. After that click ok.
The second main step after configuring the Overlay is to run both programs as administrator. Right click the mumble Icon on your desktop. Properties---> Advanced---> Run as Administrator. Doing this will allow you to run it as admin without having to right click and run as admin every time. So that works for Mumble and PS2 if you don't use steam. If you use steam, I believe you have to run steam as administrator. This can cause problems with other games so you may have to pick and choose when to run as administrator. I personally could not get the overlay to work with Steam but, I am pretty sure it is possible. I had to reinstall mumble to get the overlay to work at all for me.
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Click to enlarge!!!!!!! |
The third step of running mumble before Planetside is pretty obvious. On the HH PGS OP (2nd Post?). There is a centralized overlay by Mister Oblivious. If that is your thing go for it.
The Little Things in Life:
This section will cover small things and nuances of the game and UI limitations.- If you are squad leader and going to log off try to find a replacement. If you find a replacement in your squad type /squad setowner NAME. Do not attempt to use the UI to promote someone once a platoon is formed. Platoon leaders can also assign a new squad leader.
- Typing /platoon and /squad brings up a list of commands. I'm not sure what all the functions do but, I will investigate soon.
- If you are a Platoon leader and going to log off try to find a replacement. Promote your replacement squad leader then promote the new Platoon Leader. If you do the opposite you will lose your privileges to move people around and place your replacement in the right squad after you Platoon promote someone.
- Typically when you log into the game you press [P] which brings up the squad menu. You filter by Outfit and hop into a squad. But wait there are no squads open and someone is asking in outfit to open up Platoon 2 what do I do??? Step up and hop into the Squad Leader channel and let the other leaders know you are starting up P2. Ask in outfit say using the /o command for a volunteer to help you open the platoon. Hit [P] and invite them to form a squad. To go from just one squad to a Platoon you need to invite a 13th person and they will become Bravo SL. Shift people around to even up the squads and go about your business.
- If you fuck around and make fake squads you will be booted from the outfit. ie There is a Platoon 2 already and you make another one and none of you are in mumble and you fail to fix the problem you will be removed from the outfit. You guys are free to fuck around in your own squads just make a private squad and don't have it set up to filter to/allow outfit people. Don't pretend to be one of the main platoons. Doing so confuses goons who are expecting one thing and getting another.
- Be careful when shifting people in squads. It can cause them to be ejected from vehicles and all other kinds of wierd shit. Keep it to a minimum.
- If you are moved to another squad in a growing platoon and made squad leader your first priority is to open the squad up for outfit recruitment. Below you will find a picture outlining how to do that.
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Click it. You know you want to. |
You can't and won't be an expert from day one. If you are tired or distracted don't squad lead. If you don't understand the meta game how to read the map or how to capture bases don't squad lead. You will eventually learn the game don't worry about hopping into the command seat right away. if you don't know whats going on all you will do is confuse people and order dumb shit. However if people in the know aren't stepping up, then its your time to shine so get out there show off your neckbeard.
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