Saturday, December 1, 2012

Guide on Assaulting / Defending PS2 Bases.

This guide will cover Amp Stations, Bio Labs, and Tech Plants.

Analyzing the map. 

          Every Base has a different layout.  Either the base has a different orientation on the map,  Has more capture points, or has different outpost bases.  Outposts aren't labeled on the maps but, you can see their buildings on the map.  Outposts allow you to spawn and pull various vehicles.  Towers allow you to pull air, ground vehicles, and have defensive turrets so they are the most important type of outposts.  Holding outposts are not required to capture the base but are very helpful.  Pictured below are three different layouts for the bases.
This is an Amp Station. Circled in red are the four outposts.

This is a Bio Lab.  Circled in red are the outposts and circled in green are the landing pads.

This is a Tech Lab.  Circled in red are the outposts.  Blue marks are the two infantry entrances. Green are the shields

Outpost capture points look like this.

Parts bases have in common.

Every base has a Spawn Control Unit (SCU) that allow the empire that controls the base to spawn there.  When the SCU is destroyed spawning in the base is not possible.  To destroy the SCU run up to it and press the action button ( E ).  It will "plant" a bomb that will tick down and destroy the SCU.  The enemy team can disarm the bomb so defend the SCU after you compromise it.  After it is destroyed an engineer can repair it.

This is the SCU the icon for it shows up in on your hud.  Its an hourglass kind of icon.  This SCU is protected by a shield.

Every base has at least one shield generator.  The type of shield the generator provides shows up on the icon.  Shown above is a shield icon with an SCU icon inside of it. So the matching generator has the same icon over it and when destroyed removes the shield.  Generators are destroyed and repaired in the same manner as SCUs.

Generator for horizontal shields.

The Bases

Amp Station

Amp stations have several generators that need to be destroyed to make an effective attack.  The main part of the base is protected by Vertical Shield, Horizontal Shield, SCU Shield, and Tank Shield Generators.  The vertical and horizontal combine to protect the point and vehicle spawn in the base.

Generally to take the base you want to secure outposts, take all the shields but, SCU shields down and invade the main building to capture the [A] point.  After securing [A] the SCU is attacked then the spawn room is camped to prevent them from breaking out.

This image is taken from the inside of the middle building.  You can see it is protected by the Horizontal and Vertical shields.  Horizontal and Vertical shield generators are in the courtyard outside the middle building.  On the right are SCU shields.  The SCU shield generator is also in the main base.

This image shows the tank shield.  Infantry can walk across this shield but vehicles can't.  These protect the courtyard of the Amp Station.

Bio Lab

Bio Labs unlike Amp Stations and Tech Plants have multiple capture points.  Bio Labs are elevated platforms.  The Bio Lab is impenetrable from the top on the dome part except the two entrances with landing pads.  The landing pads are on opposite ends.  You can get there via landing an air vehicle, drop pod, elevator, or jump pad.  Also there are teleporter rooms which are connected from the outposts.  The teleporter rooms are usually the preferred method to gaining access to the dome.  Controlling an outpost with a teleporter allows that faction to have a protected room in the Bio Lab.  The key to Bio Labs are the outposts. All the capture points are in the dome.  Under the dome is a vehicle spawner protected by a shield.

To take a Bio Lab typically you want to control one or more outposts and gain access to the teleporter.  After gaining a teleporter room you want to attack the shield generator.  The generator has an SCU icon and protects the SCU and the bottom vehicle shields.  After the shields are overloaded you want to attack the SCU then cap all the capture points.

Bio Lab Elevators.  As you can see they are right below the landing pads.  They are not at all Bio Labs.
This is a teleporter at an outpost outside of a Bio Lab.  You can see the up down Arrow Icon that marks it.
This is a Bio Lab jump pad.  These jump pads launch you up to the landing pads on the dome.

Tech Plants

The final and most important base type.  The Tech Plant allows main battle tanks to be pulled from bases other then the Warp Gate.  Eisa Tech Plant is the only one on Esamir.  Tech Plants are highly defensible bases as it is very difficult to assault the [A] point and the generator is protected by the shields it creates.  The main building has 5 major entrances.  The ground floor has two unprotected doors that allow infantry to pour into the base.  The roof has an elevator that leads down to the ground floor in between the two doors.  The middle garage is protected by two shields on each end.  Just above the side shields is an opening that tanks and planes can shoot through.  LAs can also jump over that shield.  The last major entrance is a shield protected end that has a vehicle spawn.  Main battle tanks should be used to defend the large entrance as they can pop out of the shield fire back off and repair.  On the ground floor towards the large shield is the spawn room teleporter.  Tech Plants unlike Amp Stations have their main spawn room connected to the central building by a teleporter.

As with other bases securing outposts comes first.  When attacking a Tech Plant getting the shield generator down is a high priority.  The generator will allow the base to be flooded by more angles.  The generator also exposes the SCU to attack.  The SCU is in a remote location near the main spawn room.  After dropping the shields attacking and holding [A] is a high priority.  After securing the generator and having people hold [A] camping the spawn room teleporter in the main building is the next priority.

The double infantry doors from the outside looking in.  The attacking teams sunderer is typically nearby to keep infantry flooding in

The defending teams sunderer is typically near the large shield and the short elevators under the generator.
Spawn Teleporter from the main buildings side.  This is near the large door side.

Spawn Teleporter from the spawn room side.  Make sure to take this when spawning in this room.  This is especially important if the Defending Teams sunderer died inside.

This will be worked on and added to later.  Remember to succeed you don't need to be the best shot or have the fastest reaction times.  This is a thinking mans game. Experience and knowledge is everything.  Good positioning, good awareness, and proper use of force multipliers will take you far.

One more parting picture from a Tech Plant defense without using any gimmicks, vehicles, or any other goon squid chickencheese.

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